Anyway, the article was entitled "The A-listers' New Obsession: Tattoos" investigating 'troubled' celebrities and their tattoos. The phsycologist very much played up the celebs' troubles as being a reason for why they had had their tattoos as they believed them to be a sign of their "inner turmoil" and a "cry for help" after battling through "horrendous life experiences"
Well I have to say that it all seems a bit extreme to me and they have just exaggerated this point to make an interesting article. Yes, the celebs featured had all been through some tough times (divorce, eating disorders, rehab etc.) but this doesn't mean its related to them getting tattoos does it? Maybe they just like them?!
Personally I don't have any tattoos just because Ive never been interested in them or wanted to get one, partly because I know Id be stuck with it for life and Im always chopping and changing with trends etc. But having said this, I know people with them and they are happy enough so thats all that matters, yes there are health risks- (see link things can go wrong as with many things but thats a decision they have to make- whether or not to risk it. I wouldn't have one but if others do Im not gonna frown upon them because they feel differently to me!
Live and let live!!

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