I was thinking about this bandits and outlaws topic and yes some were really bad- they stole and murdered purely for personal gain and yes, in some ways were glorified by the media; I’m not even going to try and understand why or work this one out. But what about some of the other well known outlaws in our country’s history-
Robin Hood; he wasn’t so bad was he? Surely he did what he did for the right reasons else people wouldn’t have got behind him as they did. That wouldn’t be accepted today no, but then laws are also different today. We live in a time where people are protected, they have rights.
William Wallace- he was a Scotsman who was outlawed by the English and later hung, drawn and quartered for his troubles. And why? Because he wanted freedom for himself and for the people of Scotland- what a BAD man!! Well no actually, he too was only fighting for his rights and he had everyone behind him. He believed it was wrong for the English to be free to burn their homes and take wives of Scotsman on their wedding night and surely he had a point?! This is the true BAD behaviour in the first place. They say two wrongs don’t make a right but I think in these cases it works for the better of mankind.
Robin Hood; he wasn’t so bad was he? Surely he did what he did for the right reasons else people wouldn’t have got behind him as they did. That wouldn’t be accepted today no, but then laws are also different today. We live in a time where people are protected, they have rights.
William Wallace- he was a Scotsman who was outlawed by the English and later hung, drawn and quartered for his troubles. And why? Because he wanted freedom for himself and for the people of Scotland- what a BAD man!! Well no actually, he too was only fighting for his rights and he had everyone behind him. He believed it was wrong for the English to be free to burn their homes and take wives of Scotsman on their wedding night and surely he had a point?! This is the true BAD behaviour in the first place. They say two wrongs don’t make a right but I think in these cases it works for the better of mankind.

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